
Monday, April 30, 2012

"We All Belong to The Y"

If you missed my first few posts about China, you can find them here and here

The first few days in China were very full and busy as we adjusted to the 12-hour time difference. On Friday, we visited the Great Wall where we drank in the glorious view along with thousands of Chinese people crowding onto this ancient wall. Interesting fact: Chinese women see nothing wrong with climbing the Great Wall in a dress and four-inch heels. I, on the other hand, about died in shorts, a t-shirt, and my Chaco's! 

On Friday night, the Chinese team took us to dinner at a restaurant called the Upper Room. Yes, to our astonishment this was indeed a Christian restaurant in the heart of Beijing. There we were sitting in the middle of a Communist country singing praise songs like "Your Grace is Enough" with the worship band! I think it's safe to say we all felt goosebumps that night! 

On Saturday morning, we toured the seminary where we would be holding our English camp during the week. God used the rooms of that humble seminary to bring the Gospel to over 500 boys and girls that week. When we first arrived, I couldn't help but notice the stench coming from the bathrooms, a stench only made worse by the humid 90-degree weather. By the end of the week, that place took on a different meaning as we watched the Gospel changing the lives of these beautiful children. 

I was pulled out of my comfort zone that week. Way out of my comfort zone. I really enjoy working with children, but I usually prefer younger children that are in kindergarten or first grade. I found out a few weeks before we left that I would be the group leader for one of the green groups which would be the 10-12 year olds. I was terrified. I really wasn't comfortable talking to kids that age. I have to admit, I panicked a little when I heard that this was the group I had been assigned to. 

For those of you who know me well, it won't surprise you to hear me say that I don't like to talk a lot around strangers or be thrown into situations with people I don't know very well. 
Well, now I found myself in China with a group of twenty 10-to-12-year-olds. I didn't know where to begin or even have the benefit of the same language! 
But, God is faithful just as He always is. I made it through the week and learned to carry on a conversation with these kids. It was usually limited to a discussion on their favorite colors or animals, but I was talking, and they were talking, and we were getting somewhere. Because of the one-child policy in China these kids don't have siblings, so they were fascinated by the fact that I had not one, not two, but four younger sisters. We talked about them a lot and giggled over silly pictures on my camera. 

By the end of the week, I had a hard time saying goodbye to these kids. Yes, I would miss the child who was constantly having to be told to stop teasing the little girl sitting next to him. 

I would miss Angela's sweet smile and inquisitive fingers in my hair. 

I would miss tiny little Charles who didn't even have an English name at the beginning of the week. 

I would miss Jason who could bring a smile to my face with his boyish antics no matter how frustrated, discouraged, or tired I was. 

I would miss my children - all twenty of them. 
I was thankful for the hours I had to spend with them that week. I was thankful for their sweet voices singing "We All Belong to the Y" and "Pharoah, Pharoah" at the top of their lungs. Each of them had impacted me in a different way. It was hard to imagine that I might never see their sweet faces again on earth. 

I couldn't believe that it was Friday once again, that I had been in China for just over a week, and that I would be getting on a plane the next day and flying to Luoyang to visit Mariah. 

To be continued ... 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How It All Began ..

The trip to China began very early on a hot, steamy morning in July. 
Well, it actually started weeks and even months before that. I'd been packing for at least a week and a half before we left and my excitement was building with each thing I added to my overflowing suitcase. 
Before dawn on July 13th, I finally loaded my suitcase and backpack into the van and headed to the airport to begin a journey that would forever change my life. 
I was excited to be finally getting on that plane and returning to the strange and beautiful land that had captured my heart the summer before! Excited, excited doesn't even begin to describe the emotions that were racing through me as we drove to the airport. I was anxious to land on the other side of the globe and inhale that scent that can only be described as China

I couldn't wait to meet the children who would be attending the English camp.
I couldn't wait to see what God was going to do in their lives that week. 
I couldn't wait to see what God was going to do in my life that week. 
I couldn't wait to travel to Luoyang and visit Mariah again.
I couldn't wait to hold the precious little people that pulled at my heartstrings.
I couldn't wait to arrive in China.

Nearly 24 hours later, a very tired and only slightly hyper me finally stepped off the plane.
Luggage was collected, customs and immigration were successfully maneuvered, and we boarded the bus that would take us to our hotel in the heart of Beijing. 
I was finally back in China and loving it! 

We checked into our hotel and relished the first hot showers since the beginning of our journey. I had the privilege of rooming with two great girls - Ale' and Angel, y'all are the best! Thanks for putting up with me! With three girls staying in one room for three weeks, we always had an odd assortment of luggage, clothing, food, and shoes strung out across our room! And let's just say that my lovely roommates quickly realized that I don't quite understand the concept of a "quick" shower! :) 

Our time in China had just begun and already my life was being changed.

To be continued ...

Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Journey ...

that forever changed my life. 

I've been thinking about China a lot in the last few days.
My time there last summer was amazing and taught me so many things. Yet it was also one of the most difficult times of my life. 
I can honestly say that I will never be the same after setting foot on the soil of that beautiful country. 
 I plan to write more about last year's trip in the next few weeks ...
but for now: here is the slideshow I made after last year's trip.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Beyond the Cross

Easter musical on Friday night +
last-minute shoe-shopping with Mom, Madeline, & Aunt Laurie in Savannah on Saturday +
enjoying a wonderful Easter sermon and fellowship with the saints on Sunday morning +
 a mini photoshoot with the girls in the afternoon +
a stroll down the waterfront with Mom =
A perfect Easter weekend!

... the twirly fairy ... 

~ the little girls~
... I can't believe how grown up she's getting!! ...

Happy Easter!!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Seventeen Dresses in Ten weeks!

I finally finished all of my Easter dresses for this year! 
What a relief to have them all done! 

This one was for her 1st Birthday!


I LOVE this fabric!! So much so, that I have a wallet made out of it, except in blue!

My first attempt at smocking kitties



Too cute!

I made the next four dresses for four sisters! Such fun!
They wanted them to coordinate, but not match!

Buttons, need I say more?

I absolutely love the sleeves on this dress!

This dress looks a whole lot cuter in person! Not sure what happened with the pictures!




These next two were also for sisters!

I love the "cheeriness" of these fabrics - they make me smile!

And #17: 

I had so much fun making dresses for all these sweet girls! 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Thank You for the Cross

"Once Again" by Matt Redman

Jesus Christ, I think upon Your sacrifice
You became nothing, poured out to death
Many times I've wondered at Your gift of life
And I'm in that place once again
I'm in that place once again

And once again I look upon the cross where You died
I'm humbled by Your mercy and I'm broken inside
Once again I thank You
Once again I pour out my life

Now You are exalted to the highest place
King of the heavens, where one day I'll bow
But for now, I marvel at Your saving grace
And I'm full of praise once again
I'm full of praise once again

Thank You for the cross
Thank You for the cross
Thank You for the cross, my Lord